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  • Writer's pictureLucas Abate

What do you want the future to look like?

Updated: May 13, 2019

Hopefully better than it is today right? We need to work together to make a plan for the future. Considering humanity’s faults that we see today, it’s on us to make changes to systems and perhaps protect good systems to improve the health of humanity. Although we will never be perfect, maybe we can find a way to stop being so self centered and hateful so that maybe we could be truly civilized and move on to bigger and greater things.

To get you thinking, here is what Mr. Fresco an industrial designer and social engineer came up with.

Whether it becomes reality or not, Mr. Fresco made a plan to end war, poverty and hunger. That’s pretty cool! He figured out quite a bit on his own but, imagine if we all worked together to design a better future. Share your ideas below and comment! What changes would you like to see in the future?

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May 16, 2019

I think we should improve and grow public transportation to not only reduce pollution, but to make traveling more economical.


May 15, 2019

Hopefully, the future will change for the better, not only for us but also for the other inhabitants of this world. We need to learn how to coexist with all of the animals on Earth; we need to learn to not be selfish and to not only focus on ourselves and only on the human race. Almost everything that humans have done have bettered humans but at the cost of ruining the natural environment. Because of humans, the natural way of things has been turned on its side. I want to see a future where this is fixed, or even a future where the majority of the population is trying to fix it.


May 14, 2019

If we want a better future, we need everyone to open their eyes. We need to stop denying things like hunger, poverty, and global warming. We have the resources and technology to do so, but we turn a blind eye and keep living like the world is perfect. It isn’t, and everyone needs to wake up and do something.


May 14, 2019

Some of the things that should change in the future are first, the world should be much cleaner. There is too much pollution and litter everywhere. The oceans are also filled with garbage that is hurting the marine life and other ecosystems. Also, there should be less war and conflict between countries of the world. Lastly, I think that everyone should have food. No one in the future or today should be starving.


May 14, 2019

The only way to make the future better is to get everyone involved. Even though one person can initiate a change, it takes everyone to make a difference. So if we want to make the world a better place in the future, everyone needs to get involved.

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