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Sharing The Overview Effect

If the overview effect is so important, how can we share it? When I saw astronaut Terry Virts give his talk at Proctors, he shared some of his photos and experiences through speech and a large projection screen. He also wrote a book with some of his pictures in it. Terry Virts was trying to expand people’s perspective and see the world differently. I think he did a great job at communicating the unique perspective that he had while he was in space, but I did not experience the overview effect. Astronauts might not be able to make you experience the overview effect, but they can share how it affected them. Does this mean the overview effect is exclusive to astronauts? If not, how does one share the overview effect?  Living in space and looking down at Earth is different than looking at pictures of Earth. The main reason being the astronauts had more of an experience. Maybe there are other ways to share a wider perspective than just looking at photos without going to space. You can do things that give you a sense of awe on Earth too. Some things that I think would do this are flying in an airplane, sleeping outside in the Adirondacks (or any wilderness) on a starry summer night, and cross-cultural travel. All of which have helped me develop a wider perspective by getting out of my own familiar world.

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