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How The Overview Effect Could Help Solve Global Issues

How would society behave differently if everyone suddenly had the overview effect? There would be a greater interest in solving global issues like the refugee crisis, preserving the environment and countering climate change. It would also create an urgency to work together with other nations to solve these problems. If we don’t have a global perspective, it's hard to care about these. One might ask, “Why should I care about other countries’ problems?” The overview effect will lead you to see that we are not all that different and help you to sympathize with refugees on the other side of the globe. Charities and international organizations would thrive. It’s the same thing with climate change, “Why should I care about a few icebergs in Antarctica?” When we view the planet as a whole, we can see the interconnectedness and fragility of the Earth. There would be more investment into efforts to counter climate change and it would receive the attention that it needs.

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