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An Overview is Good For The Soul

There is something else to learn from astronauts that you might not have thought of. Seeing Earth from space tends to focus astronauts on spiritual things. This might be a little counterintuitive because astronauts are trained to be professional pilots and scientists. However, when they look down on Earth, they see more than science. Apollo astronaut, Gene Cernan, famously said, “I felt...there was too much purpose, too much logic. It was too beautiful to happen by accident. There has to be somebody bigger than you, and bigger than me...” Many of the Apollo astronauts who saw the Earth in its entirety, had some sort of spiritual awakening. So, it seems that the special view that astronauts get invokes God’s presence. You appreciate the beauty of our fragile Earth. You see His creation in a way that makes you realize that all the people on Earth are connected. When you realize that, you come back to Earth changed. You might live in a way that is kinder, more peaceful, more selfless, the way the Bible teaches us to live. The overview effect, like the Bible, helps you realize what is important. It helps you have the perspective that God has and wants us to have.

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